Monday, July 20, 2009

What is promotion?


1. The study of Promotion

Definition of Promotion
Promotion activity is conducted to increase the sale of product. Promotion represents one of important ways to conduct the emulation with the other company by not pursuanting to price.. Promotion is more stressed on informing what and how this product is (Yoeti, 1985: 50).

The word “promotion” gives various kinds of interpretation and language, the meaning of promotion is to inform, to persuade or to remind more specifically (Yoeti, 1985: 141). The promotion of tourism have a purpose of introducing and showing the tourist object with all its uniqueness and special characteristic, so it can improve the good sale of item or service (Winardi, 1972: 380). Promotion activity which has been done by Tanjung Tourist Countryside is held by cooperation with travel agents, promotion in various places, cooperation with Department of Tourism.

The important of promotion activity can be conducted with planning and executing promotion such as sales support. That is by releasing brochure, leaflets, booklets, folders, etc. The other activity is by public relations, through appropriate mass media to promote the existing promotion materials (Yoeti, 1985:53). In promotion activity, the excess of a product is shown, so that the consumer will be interested in this product.
According to Yoeti (1985: 141), to promote the product to the consumers, it uses a promotion appliance, including:
a. Advertising
Advertising or advertisement represents a right way to report a product result for consumer. The advantage of using this advertisement is that it can be known and be reached by many people through magazine, television, radio and cinema.
b. Sales Support
Sales support can be interpreted as an aid of the sale by giving all form of promotion material which is planned to give the public or travel trade which is showed as a medium. Sales support has two functions:
1) Sales support represents the communications channel between industrial tourist companies with service seller.
2) Sales support represents the effective assistive appliance for seller, like travel agent and other medium.
The types of sales support, for instance:
1) Brochure
Representing the publication printing, using by good paper, compiled draw lay-out, with all potency will be promoted.
2) Prospect
Representing the handout that sometimes is folded double and has more interesting design with all promoted potentials of the object.
3) Direct mail materials
Representing offering letter which is delivered to consumer candidate with brochure, prospect, folder, leaflet and other.
4) Folder
A promotion letter which can be folded, there are two and four folds. Every page contains the product offered to the market.
5) Leaflet
Leaflet is handout; it mentions many kinds of summarized information about promoted object.
6) Booklet
Form of booklet is like a guide-book. Its content is more complete than other promotion form.
7) Guide-book
Guide-book has broader characteristic than the kinds of other promotion appliance. Besides giving information about effort of tourism, it is also telling about tourist destination, using local language expression to make easy a communication.

c. Public Relation
Public relation is a division in a company or organization which has a purpose as a mouthpiece of company with the other partner who needs everything about company or organization. The duty of public relation is to make a link with other company or organization, to give information, to labor the existence of good impression with the society of company or organization (Yoeti, 1985: 147).

From the various kinds of promotion forms above, the writer takes a promotion from guide-book. This promotion is easy to spread to other place immediately, for example by propagating through travel agent or public area. One of the ways to promote the Tanjung Tourist Countryside that is by making of English guide-book. The making of English guide-book has a purpose to make it easier to get information about Tanjung Tourist Countryside, so it can improve the number the visitors.

2. The function of language in promotion activity
Language is very important in promotion activity. To give information for consumer, it needs a language. In the word of tourism, language should always be given a priority. Using English guide-book is so appropriate as a medium to introduce the object to tourist, in this case is to foreign tourist.

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