Monday, July 20, 2009

The incidence of Abortion

The incidence of Abortion

Women with undesirable pregnancy always look for solution by abortion throughout the lifespan and it still goes on up to now. There are 2 kinds of abortions: intentional abortion and unintentional abortion. They particularly happen to female teenagers. They easily do such thing that according to my opinion, for a teenage is before time. They don’t think about the negative effects happen to them. The undesirable pregnancy is one of the effects of their behavior. And the way that they take is usually abortion. Abortion is done because of some reasons as follow:
  • Afraid of being known by parents about their pregnancy.
  • Ashamed towards the surrounding people.
  • Inadequate to create a family.
  • Still have to continue their study.
  • To maintain their family’s good name.
However, the thing they have done can result in fatal effect too. They have to think twice again because abortion is currently against the law. In addition, from the health point of view, abortion results in fatal effect. Moreover, if the abortion is done when the pregnancy attains the age of over 2 months.

It is best for everybody not to do abortion by making decision ourselves. It has to be discussed with our partner and family. Don’t be so easily persuaded by invitation of other person. From the religious point of view, abortion is a sinful behavior, because it is similar to killing the life of fetus that has been given from Him.

Abortion is usually done by a doctor. However, in this time, by the strict law on abortion more and more, it also makes possible for the doctors to refuse helping a woman who wants to do an abortion, unless the pregnancy is harmful for the health of the woman. Beside that, the refusal is also based on the moral and religious reasons.

Therefore, there are several efforts that have to be carried out such as:
  • Think about the effects first before doing sexual intercourse.
  • Avoid free sex.
  • Use the save contraception.
  • Not to be easily influenced by the negative effect of the surroundings.

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